e-NASS CfP: 11th Annual Southwest Graduate Conference in Middle Eastern Studies


The Middle East and North Africa Graduate Student Association at the
University of Arizona's 11th Annual Southwest Graduate Conference in
Middle Eastern Studies

*Current Trends in the Study of the Middle East, North Africa & their



The Middle East and North Africa Graduate Student Association, the Center
for Middle Eastern Studies, and the Department of Near Eastern Studies at
the University of Arizona cordially invite you to participate in the 11th
Annual Southwest Graduate Conference in Middle Eastern Studies to be held
from Tuesday, March 29, 2011 to Thursday, March 31, 2011 in Tucson,


The aims of the conference are to strengthen ties between academic
disciplines, provide a platform for graduate students to present their
research projects, exchange ideas, and create a network of emerging
scholars spanning a variety of fields.

Paper Themes
Paper themes should relate to Current Trends in the Study of the Middle
East, North Africa & their Diasporas. This may include, but is not limited
to: religion, history, literature, gender, law, human rights, culture,
identity, politics, society, movements, economy, education, environment,
architecture, linguistics, and conflict. Additionally, students are
invited to submit abstracts on other topics.

Submission Guidelines
Paper abstract submissions are due no later than Monday, February 21, 2011.
Abstracts must be 250 words or less and submitted as a Microsoft Word

Abstracts must be emailed to uamena@gmail.com and must include paper title,
description, author name and affiliation (school and department), and
contact information (phone number and email address). Notifications of
acceptance will be sent out within three weeks of abstract submission. For
further information, please visit www.nes.arizona.edu/mena/home or submit
your inquiries to uamena@gmail.com.

Maha Nassar
Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Advisor
Department of Near Eastern Studies
University of Arizona
Marshall Building, 453
845 N. Park Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85721
(520) 626-5189

Mec-grad mailing list

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
e-Network of Academia in Social Sciences (e-NASS)

Scientia est potentia (Francis Bacon)
Ilim ilim bilmektir/Ilim kendin bilmektir (Yunus Emre)

The e-NASS, outnumbering 5300 subscribers, aims to deepen interaction for further inter/intra/trans/multi-disciplinary communication within the academic community of scholars, professionals and students from all branches of social sciences. The language of communication at e-NASS is English; however, contributions in other languages are highly welcomed should they include an abstract in English. This e-network enthusiastically encourages its members to disseminate and share announcements of Call for Papers, Fellowships/Scholarships, Conferences, Graduate Programs, Websites, Publications, Summer Schools, Jobs, Internships and etc. If you have any scholarly announcement concerning social sciences, please do not hesitate to share it within this e-community. The e-NASS is essentially generalist to revive renaissance wo/men with global and historical perspectives covering from the mist-shrouded steppes of Asia to the sun-drenched African, American and European shores without neglecting the exotic Oceania. In order to protect its subscribers vis-�-vis the virus-spreading, hoax and spam e-mails, the e-NASS is strictly moderated while e-mails containing attachments are automatically removed. This e-network discourages commercial advertisements as well as it is essentially irrelevant to any form of activism or advocacy of any particular perspective. Thus, messages of discussions, demonstrations and calls to action are not permitted. When forwarding e-NASS announcements to your friends and other e-groups, signifying e-NASS as the source will be highly appreciated as extent of your courtesy.
Murat Cemrek, PhD

Subscription: e-NASS-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Daily Digest: e-NASS-digest@yahoogroups.com
Website     : http://www.e-nass.net/ (under construction)



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