e-NASS CfP: Muhafazakar Dusunce Dergisi, "Devlet" Sayisi (Turkish only)


Muhafazakar Dusunce
Gelenekten Gelecege
28. Sayinin dosya konusu: "Devlet"
  10 OCAK 2011
-Ne idi, Ne oldu, Ne olacak?
Yeni Perspektifler
Devlet ne kadar yozlasmissa, o kadar cok kanun olur.
Farkli adlar altinda olsa da ilk caglardan bu yana devlet ya da devlet benzeri
kuruluslar olagelmis. Modernlesme surecinde icad edilen merkezi ulus-devlet
modeliyle devlet önceki devirlerde ulasamadigi guce ve kudrete ulasmis; bir
anlamda leviethanlasmistir. Ulus-devletler tam iki defa dunyayi atese vermis,
milyonlarca insanin (hatta bitki ve hayvanin) telef olmasina neden olmustur.

20 asrin sonlarindan itibaren genel olarak devlet özel olarak da ulus-devlet
sorgulanmaya baslanmistir. Kuresellesme dalgasinin ve post-modern akimlarin da
etkisiyle ulus-devlet hem yukaridan hem asagidan asinmaya baslamistir.
Suphesiz devlet, felsefi, sosyal, siyasal, ekonomik, etik��� vb. Bircok boyutu
olan bir kavram. Dergimiz bu sayisiyla devleti butun bu boyutlariyla tartismaya
ve elestiriye aciyor; sadece ulus-devleti degil genel olarak devleti; sadece
tarihsel boyutlariyla degil guncel boyutlariyla da devlet kurumunu ve kavramini
tartismaya aciyor.Konu ile ilgili alt basliklari asagida bulabilirsiniz. Dosya
konumuz ile ilgili yazi son teslim tarihi 30 MARTt 2011'dir.
Alt basliklarimiz genel olarak sunlardir:
Kadim zamanlarda devlet ve devletin ilksel formlari
Yunan ve islam filozoflarina göre devlet: benzerlikler ve farkliliklar
Aydinlanma filozoflari ve devlet
Fransiz devrimi sonrasi devlet dusuncesi: burke, de maistre, hegel, comte,
Devletin ontolojisi ve epistemolojisi
Modernite ve devlet
��nceki ve sonraki boyutlariyla ulus-devlet ve ulus-devlet���in krizi.
Devlet ve millet; devlet ve bayrak; devlet ve vatan���
Federalizm tartismalari
Felsefi ve sosyolojik baglamda devlet
İdeolojilerin devlete bakisi: liberalizm, muhafazakârlik ve sosyalizmin devlete
Klasik ve yeni muhafazakârlarin devlete bakisi
Muhafazakârlik, devrim ve devlet
Devleti yuceltenler: fasist ve nasyonalist akimlar
Devleti asagilayanlar: anarsist yaklasimlar
Devlet-özgurluk iliskisi: dogrusal orantili mi ters orantili mi?
Devlet ve hukuk: hangisi hangisine bagli?
Devlet ve birey; devlet ve toplum; devlet ve sinif
Sivil toplum ve siyasi toplum tartismalari
Devlet ve savas: bir savas makinesi olarak devlet ve ulusal ordunun icadi.
Post-modernitenin devlete bakisi
Refah devleti ve minimal devlet (jandarma devlet) tartismalari
Kuresellesme ve devlet: gidisat nereye?
Devletin teorik ve pratik gelecegi: devletsiz ve sinirsiz bir dunya mumkun
İslam���in devlete bakisi, ���islam devleti��� tartismalari
Hiristiyanlik ve yahudiligin devlete bakisi
Hind ve cin dusuncesinde devlet
Osmanli���da devlet: teorik ve pratik boyutlariyla
Cumhuriyet döneminde devlet; devletin vesayeti ve vesayetin devleti
Devlet ve derin devlet: her devletin bir derin devleti var midir?

Gelecek sayilarimizin dosya konusu:  sayi:29 ara kurumlar; sayi: 30 aile;
 sayi:31 birey

Abonelik icin sadece acik adresinizi ve size ulasabilecegimiz bir telefonu yazip
mail ile gondermeniz yeterlidir.
Dergimizin 1 yillik abonelik bedeli 40.00 tl'dir. Ancak akademisyen ve
ogrencilere yillik abonelik bedeli 24.00 tl.dir. Odemeyi de dergiyi aldiginiz
anda yapabilirsiniz. Indirimli���abonelik icintiklyaniz

© copyright 2010 muhafazakâr dusunce 
muhafazakâr dusunce dergisi,
Gökkusag mh. 1208 cd. No: 7/18
Balgat, ankara

e-Network of Academia in Social Sciences (e-NASS)

Scientia est potentia (Francis Bacon)
Ilim ilim bilmektir/Ilim kendin bilmektir (Yunus Emre)

The e-NASS, outnumbering 5300 subscribers, aims to deepen interaction for
further inter/intra/trans/multi-disciplinary communication within the academic
community of scholars, professionals and students from all branches of social
sciences. The language of communication at e-NASS is English; however,
contributions in other languages are highly welcomed should they include an
abstract in English. This e-network enthusiastically encourages its members to
disseminate and share announcements of Call for Papers,
Fellowships/Scholarships, Conferences, Graduate Programs, Websites,
Publications, Summer Schools, Jobs, Internships and etc. If you have any
scholarly announcement concerning social sciences, please do not hesitate to
share it within this e-community. The e-NASS is essentially generalist to revive
renaissance wo/men with global and historical perspectives covering from the
mist-shrouded steppes of Asia to the sun-drenched African, American and European
shores without neglecting the exotic Oceania. In order to protect its
subscribers vis-à-vis the virus-spreading, hoax and spam e-mails, the e-NASS is
strictly moderated while e-mails containing attachments are automatically
removed. This e-network discourages commercial advertisements as well as it is
essentially irrelevant to any form of activism or advocacy of any particular
perspective. Thus, messages of discussions, demonstrations and calls to action
are not permitted. When forwarding e-NASS announcements to your friends and
other e-groups, signifying e-NASS as the source will be highly appreciated as
extent of your courtesy.
Murat Cemrek, PhD

Subscription: e-NASS-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Daily Digest: e-NASS-digest@yahoogroups.com
Website    : http://www.e-nass.net/ (under construction)
Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
e-Network of Academia in Social Sciences (e-NASS)

Scientia est potentia (Francis Bacon)
Ilim ilim bilmektir/Ilim kendin bilmektir (Yunus Emre)

The e-NASS, outnumbering 5300 subscribers, aims to deepen interaction for further inter/intra/trans/multi-disciplinary communication within the academic community of scholars, professionals and students from all branches of social sciences. The language of communication at e-NASS is English; however, contributions in other languages are highly welcomed should they include an abstract in English. This e-network enthusiastically encourages its members to disseminate and share announcements of Call for Papers, Fellowships/Scholarships, Conferences, Graduate Programs, Websites, Publications, Summer Schools, Jobs, Internships and etc. If you have any scholarly announcement concerning social sciences, please do not hesitate to share it within this e-community. The e-NASS is essentially generalist to revive renaissance wo/men with global and historical perspectives covering from the mist-shrouded steppes of Asia to the sun-drenched African, American and European shores without neglecting the exotic Oceania. In order to protect its subscribers vis-�-vis the virus-spreading, hoax and spam e-mails, the e-NASS is strictly moderated while e-mails containing attachments are automatically removed. This e-network discourages commercial advertisements as well as it is essentially irrelevant to any form of activism or advocacy of any particular perspective. Thus, messages of discussions, demonstrations and calls to action are not permitted. When forwarding e-NASS announcements to your friends and other e-groups, signifying e-NASS as the source will be highly appreciated as extent of your courtesy.
Murat Cemrek, PhD

Subscription: e-NASS-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Daily Digest: e-NASS-digest@yahoogroups.com
Website     : http://www.e-nass.net/ (under construction)



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