[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Japanese restaurant keeps whale eating tradition alive


(In the last paragraph, Mr. Sato sounds like Mr. Spock of "Star Trek" fame. From the Australian Broadcasting Company)

Restaurant keeps whale meat tradition alive
By North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy

Posted Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:00am AEDT

In Tokyo one restaurateur is trying to revive waning interest in whale meat. (AFP: Kazuhiro Nogi, file photo)

To conservationists the whale is a majestic and intelligent beast to be celebrated and protected, but to some Japanese it is a tasty dish which can come sauteed, stewed or sliced up into sashimi.

As clashes between Japanese whalers and Sea Shepherd activists continue in the Southern Ocean, back in Tokyo one restaurateur is trying to revive waning interest in whale meat.

The moment you enter Taru-ichi restaurant, there is no doubt about what is on the menu.

The walls are plastered with pictures of whales and above the entrance dangles a metre-long dried whale penis, the pride of owner Shintaro Sato.

"We serve slices of whale sashimi. We serve deep fried whale meat as well as stewed whale and whale bacon," he said.

"All up we do 30 different dishes of whale."

Mr Sato is welcoming and polite but mention you are Australian to his patrons and you could be on the receiving end of a stern lecture about cultural sensitivities.

"This is our culture. Each side should respect the other's culture and should not criticise it," one patron said.

"This is an issue of cultural differences," echoes another customer.

"Eating whale suits my taste so I eat whale sashimi whenever I can."

Mr Sato says Australians simply do not understand centuries of Japanese tradition.

"We have a food culture of eating whale meat," he said.

"What if we asked Australians to stop eating kangaroo or if we ordered the English to stop eating fish and chips? What would their reaction be?"

But it seems more and more Japanese are turning up their noses up at the so-called traditional dish.

One Japanese conservation group estimates the stockpile of whale meat has passed the record level of 6,000 tonnes.

Not even cut-price deals for hundreds of schools has been enough to reduce this mountain of meat.

Junichi Sato from Greenpeace Japan says whale meat is on the nose with his compatriots.

"When we conducted a survey in 2008 only 4 per cent or 5 per cent of people eat whale meat," he said.

"That's very, very small numbers when we talk about the whole Japanese population."

Also helping to reduce the stockpile is the Sea Shepherd conservation group which has again been harassing and attacking the Japanese fleet in the Southern Ocean, significantly restricting the annual hunt.

Inside Taru-ichi whale restaurant, Mr Sato says talk of Sea Shepherd is akin to treason.

"Sea Shepherd is engaged in terrorism," he said.

"Their actions are violent and illegal. They are not logical so I cannot understand them."

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