qPCR NEWS - Feb 2011- real-time PCR cyclers & qPCR 2011 event agenda
Dear researcher,
dear Gene Quantification page reader,
Our newsletter informs about the latest news in quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR and qRT-PCR), which are compiled and summarised on the Gene Quantification homepage. The focus of this newsletter issue is:
- updated summary of real-time PCR cyclers => http://cyclers.gene-quantification.info
- update of interesting webinars => http://webinar.gene-quantification.info
- qPCR 2011 Event - Final Announcement => http://www.qPCR2011.net
- qPCR 2011 Symposium Agenda presenting 71 talks and 90 posters => http://agenda.qpcr2011.net
real-time PCR cyclers
On this page(s) the most prominent real-time PCR cycler are described. In the cycler descriptions the specifications and the advantages of the displayed systems are shown. Which real-time platform meets your requirements best, depends on your research application. Some of the systems are designed for research with low capacities and others are for high-throughput applications, most in combination with pipetting robots. Most of them use solid-block for thermal cycling, other use hot- and cooled-air. Most differences are obviously in the application software, especially in the way of data analysis and how the derived crossing points or threshold levels are computed. Each of these systems employs either one of several general types of fluorescent probes for detection. There are also big differences how data are displayed. Some of the limitations of end-point detection in (RT-) PCR have been assuaged in real-time PCR systems, a number of which are now on the market. These systems offer many general technical advantages, including reduced probabilities of variability and contamination, as well as online monitoring and the lack of need for post reaction analyses. Further, some of these systems were developed with contemporary applications such as quantitative PCR, multiplexing, and high-throughput analysis in mind. Initial template levels can be calculated by analysing the shape of the curve or by determining when the signal rises above some threshold value. Several commercially available real-time PCR systems are overviewed on this page and/or summarized in the accompanying table.
=> http://cyclers.gene-quantification.info
Webinars in qPCR & RNAinterference & Molecular-Biology
Here you find a huge and recently updated summary of webinars in the field of qPCR & RNAinterference & Molecular-Biology
=> http://webinar.gene-quantification.info/
qPCR 2011 Event - 5th international qPCR Symposium & Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshop
28th March - 1st April 2011
in Freising-Weihenstephan, Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany
Browse the symposium agenda with 71 talks and 90 posters accepted => http://agenda.qpcr2011.net
On behalf of the Organisation Committee and the Scientific Board it is a great pleasure to invite you to the 5th International qPCR Symposium & Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshop to be held at the Center of Life Science in Freising Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München (Germany). The great international interest in the previous meetings (qPCR 2004, qPCR 2005, qPCR 2005 in Leipzig, qPCR 2007, qPCR 2009, and qPCR 2010 in Vienna) with up to 600 participants coming from 56 countries, and over 40 international companies in the qPCR Industrial Exhibition led us to the decision to repeat the Symposium in spring 2011.
We have set the date for the qPCR 2011 Event to 28th March - 1st April 2011. The event location is the central lecture hall complex and the foyer at TUM (Technical University of Munich) in Freising Weihenstephan, Germany. The TUM and the Biotech region around Munich is part of the largest Biotech cluster in Europe, located close to the Munich airport in the heart of Bavaria.
The focus of the qPCR 2011 Event will be on: Molecular Diagnostics: from single-cells to Next Generation Sequencing
Leading academic researchers and industrial contributors in the field will participate in the symposium, which will be an arena for fruitful discussions between researchers of different backgrounds. The Symposium Talks, Poster Sessions, Industrial Exhibition and associated qPCR Application Workshops offer an overview of the present knowledge and future developments in qPCR and gene expression measurement technology and its wide applications.
The symposium will focus on 60-70 lectures and more than 100 posters will be presented by internationally recognised experts in their field. The emphasis will be on unbiased, didactic information exchange. Internationally reknown speakers will be participating in a lively and exciting programme enabling the valuable exchange of information in the qPCR field. One third of the talks will be presented by selected invited speakers, one third will be selected from the submitted abstracts and one third will be presented by qPCR related company R&D representatives. All scientific contributions will be published in the qPCR 2011 Symposium Proceedings.
Download qPCR 2011 Event announcement => http://www.tinyurl.com/qPCR2011
The qPCR 2011 Event contains several parts:
* qPCR Symposium March 28th - 30th
=> 71 talks are accepted => http://agenda.qPCR2011.net
=> 90 posters are accepted => http://posters.qPCR2011.net
* A parallel qPCR Industrial Exhibition March 28th - 30th (fully booked)
* Followed by three qPCR application Workshops March 31st - April 1st powered by the TATAA Biocenter & MultiD Sweden
- Basic real-time qPCR Application Workshop (2-days)
- qPCR data analysis: Biostatistics & Expression Profiling (2-days)
- MIQE guidelines (1 day) & Practical primer design (1-day)
Symposium Sessions:
- Molecular diagnostics in single-cells
- Next Generation Sequencing
- High throughput analysis in qPCR & digital PCR
- qPCR Applications in Molecular Diagnostics
- MIQE and QM strategies in qPCR
- small RNAs qPCR - microRNA and siRNA Applications
- Pre-analytical Steps
- qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics
- qBASE - data analysis lunch seminar
- GENEX - data analysis lunch seminar
- MIQE - state of the art & open discussion
- RDML - state of the art & open discussion
The scientific organization is managed by international well-known scientists in the field of real-time PCR:
- Stephen Bustin, Prof. of Molecular Science QM, School of Medicine, London, UK
- Mikael Kubista, Prof. of Biotechnology, TATAA Biocenter, Sweden
- Jo Vandesompele, Prof. at the Center of Medical Genetics, University of Ghent, Belgium
- Heinrich H.D. Meyer, Prof. of Physiology, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Michael W. Pfaffl, Prof. of Molecular Physiology, TUM, Weihenstephan, Germany (scientific coordinator)
Event organization: Dr. Martina Reiter, BioEPS GmbH, Freising, Germany Martina.Reiter@BioEPS.com
We are looking forward to meeting you in March 2011 at the Symposium in Freising-Weihenstephan
Michael W. Pfaffl Martina Reiter
Symposium Chair BioEPS GmbH
Please register here => http://registration.qPCR2011.net
Forward Please send the qPCR NEWS to further scientists and friends who are interested in qPCR !
Best regards,
Michael W. Pfaffl
responsible Editor of the Gene Quantification Pages
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