Looking forward to obtaining a personal copy Doc J!

--- In MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL@yahoogroups.com, "Dr. Michael Jessup" <orcadoc13@...> wrote:
> Aloha to all the MBI Group members.
> I am announcing to all the members of our group that my book Reflections of America will be on sale starting this March of 2011. A little about my background is that I am a Moderator for our MBI Group and I am a retired marine mammal veterinarian. A great majority of my life has been involved with saving our ocean's environment and attending to sick or injured marine animals in the US as well as abroad. My research speaks for itself. 
> I still work with several wildlife agencies in the role of being an adviser. Within all my work and travels I have always had a passion for photography and the fine arts. For over 30 plus years I have turned this passion into a career to show the world that there is still beauty in it. I have a full extensive photo library of wildlife and landscapes from not only the US but from around the world. 
> With all the stress and turmoil that has been enveloped in our country these past 10 years, I have created this book Reflections of America for everyone to enjoy. I will be doing book signings around several different cities which will include my speaking about saving our  Planet Ocean.
> So please, take some time and view a sample of this beautiful book Reflections of America
> at:   http://www.mjwildthings.com/book_samples.htm
> Thank you and Best Fishes,
> Dr. Michael Jessup...
> PS: There seems to be a lot of "I" do and "I" haves in my introduction, but the I's are for you and for everyone else who takes a stand on caring for our Planet Ocean. 

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