A ProMED-mail post
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International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

Date: Tue 19 Jun 2012
Source: The Moose Jaw Times Herald [edited] <http://www.mjtimes.sk.ca/Local/News/2012-06-19/article-3012553/Dead-fish-at-Buffalo-Pound-Lake/1>

Noticeable numbers of fish are dying off at Buffalo Pound Lake [Saskatchewan]. But while the cause of the die-off is yet to be determined, Canadian Co-operative Wildlife Health Centre (CCWHC) regional director Trent Bollinger told the Times-Herald humans and their pets should not be in danger due to the ongoing situation.

"It's not a threat to people," he said on Tuesday [19 Jun 2012]. "This is a fish issue.

Most heavily impacted seems to be yellow perch, which Bollinger said are washing up along the shoreline of the local lake. This is the 2nd year in a row the local lake has experienced a fish die-off event, and researchers are taking samples, testing, and trying to diagnose the cause.

"It looks like there's a couple of different things," Bollinger said, adding the likely culprit is a bacterial organism causing columnaris disease. "This is a bacterial disease that impacts a range of fish species."

Sampled fish at the lake have lesions, and cultured samples suggest columnaris is the likely cause of death.

[Byline: Carter Haydu]

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[Pictures of yellow perch (_Perca flavescens_) can be accessed at <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/YellowPerch.jpg>.

Columnaris disease is caused by _Flavobacterium columnare_, a Gram negative bacterium. It affects freshwater fish worldwide. Stress and pollutants in water can affect the severity of _F. columnare_ infections in fish, so it is pertinent to look at an underlying cause.

A map of the affected area can be accessed at <http://healthmap.org/r/2DCC>. - Mod.PMB]

[see also:
Die-off, fish - USA (04): (MN) columnaris 20120622.1178003 Die-off, fish - USA (03): (GA) drought 20120611.1164494 Die-off, fish - USA (02): (GA) comment 20120601.1153265 Die-off, fish - USA: (GA) pollution susp. 20120531.1152141
Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (02): (GA) columnaris 20110528.1641 2010
Undiagnosed fish die-off - USA (04): (WV, OH, PA) columnaris
Columnaris disease, fish - USA 20091111.3908
Columnaris, white bass - USA (Kansas) 19990713.1178] .................................................sb/pmb/mj/dk/ll
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