[forensic-science] Midwest Core Directors -- First Annual Meeting, Chicago, 10/21


Attendance for this meeting is capped at 150 participants. Please register as soon as possible!


Please join us for the first annual Midwest Association of Core Directors (MWACD) meeting that will be held October 21-23, 2010, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Chicago, Il (www.thechicagometro.com). The MWACD 2010 meeting will be a regional forum for core facility directors and managers to network with colleagues, discuss the challenges of funding and managing shared research resources, and to learn about biotechnology advances and applications. There will be presentations and discussion forums on operational issues facing biotechnology core laboratories as well as scientific sessions and technical workshops on a variety of topics. Greg Farber, Acting Director, Office of Extramural Activities and the Office of Construction Grants, NCRR and Mark Lively, past ABRF and FASEB President and current professor of Biochemistry, Wake Forest University will be our keynote speakers. A full agenda can be seen at the MWACD website (www.mwacd.org). Individual meetings and breakouts are still evolving. If you interested in participating on or leading a panel, please contact Seth Crosby.

Early-bird registration is $100 and may be done at the MWACD website. Cut off for early registration is Tuesday, Sept. 21 after which the registration price will be $150. That said, please register as soon as possible as the meeting is already filling, and we will be capping the meeting at 150 attendees.

There will be a poster presentation on Friday evening, Oct 22nd. Information on abstract submission may be got at http://www.mwacd.org/node/33. Please submit your posters before Sept 21st.

For those who are interested, Agilent and Roche will be conducting satellite user meetings the day prior to our meeting. For those interested, please contact:
Cindy Jarvis, Agilent, cindy.jarvis@agilent.com
Jolene Osterberger, Roche, jolene.osterberber@roche.com

Please share this email with other core facilities that would be interested in the MWACD

Hope to see you there,

The MWACD Organizing Committee

William Hendrickson
Interim President
University of Illinois at Chicago
whend a uic.edu

Seth Crosby
Interim Secretary
Washington University School of Medicine
scrosby a watson.wustl.edu

Kevin L. Knudtson, Ph.D.
University of Iowa
kevin-knudtson a uiowa.edu

Philip Hockberger
Northwestern University
p-hockberger a northwestern.edu

Karen Staehling
Stowers Institute
ksh a stowers.org

John Hawes
Miami University
hawesjw a muohio.edu

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