[forensic-science] Re: there is a case I was reading about , in an article about it this was there.


In Oregon, all documents generated in the process of work are considered
public documents and subject to the state version of the Freedom of
Information Act. A case in progress cannot be accessed with a FOIA
request. Further, all public documents come under the Secretary of
State. They are, therefore, to be archived by the State for 70 years.

How an unresolved case has records destroyed is questionable in any
--- In forensic-science@yahoogroups.com, "knightewave" <knightewave@...>
> http://www.seattlepi.com/local/243480_maryanderson06.html
> on the 3rd paragraph
> says: records of the POLICE investigation have been destroyed.
> Ok my Q?
> Since they have been destroyed?
> How do they expect to solve the case and MYSTERY?
> thanks all..
> Linda

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