[rael-science] IRAN: Building a Nuclear Weapon? You’re Kidding, Right?


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IRAN: Building a Nuclear Weapon? You're Kidding, Right?

August 21, 2010 posted by Bob Nichols · 50 Comments

(San Francisco) Many people are asking if Iran can build a nuclear weapon. The answer is No, they cannot. Iran does not have the tools or material to do so. Some 40 countries would probably like to build a reactor, though, according to the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency. A reactor is the first step to a nuclear weapon.
Mushroom Cloud

An image always associated with a nuke weapon.

But, the President of the US, politicians in Israel and other important people say Iran "might" be able to build a weapon in a few years. So what? I might like to jump over the moon too; but, it ain't gonna happen.

Same thing with Iran building a nuclear weapon. Iran does not have the tools to do so. Iran cannot get them or even make the tools required. Iran cannot even buy the tools. Try calling up Japan Steel and ordering a few tons of Marange Speciality Steel and see what happens.

Talk is cheap; building nuclear weapons is not. Building nuke weapons is a very expensive, dirty, nasty business. Lots of people talk glibly about building nuclear weapons and have not a clue what they are talking about; only a few people can actually do it. Freelancers, independents and "terrorists" don't have a chance of doing so. No, building nuclear weapons is an exclusively state run business.

Here, in a brief Flash video by nuclear reactor expert `Ace' Hoffman, is how nuclear weapons changed the face of America.

In fact, building nuclear weapons is the kind of big industrial enterprise that can be detected from satellites in outer space. The US has plenty of spy satellites; at least one is "parked" over Iran right now. And, making "small" nuclear weapons is even harder than building 10,000 lb, (4,545 kilogram) Atomic Bombs!

That being said, two world wide "nuclear capable corporations" as Ann Garrison, my colleague and a noted writer at the San Francisco Bay View calls them, are Bechtel and Halliburton. There actually is a Mr Bechtel, he lives in San Francisco, just down a bit from his old friend "Nuclear Nancy" Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Hmm, San Francisco is quite a small town, actually.

Anyway, Bechtel Corp runs the privatized US nuclear weapons program and Halliburton runs the equally privatized British nuclear weapons program at the quaintly named AWE, or Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, England. There is certainly a lot of money to be made from nuclear weapons and the hand maiden to nuke weapons – nuke power plants.

True, the only thing nuke power plants actually produce is 1400 plus very radioactive isotopes and they all leak, all the time. One of those is Plutonium 239 or Pu 239 for short. It is entirely made by humans and did not really exist before its tryout detonation at Alamogordo, New Mexico and its Prime Time Debut detonation at Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. Pu 239 makes a thermonuclear bomb, the big ones with no theoretical upper limit on size. It is the man made metal bomb makers crave.
This is your lung on radiation.

Lung Tissue and Radiation

Sometime in September, Iran's big nuclear reactor starts up and begins making Pu 239 by the ton. Russia, Iran's patron, promises the Nuclear States and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to bring all the old 50 Ton, plus new isotope growth, highly radioactive reactor cores back to Mother Russia's Control rather than let Iran keep the bomb making Plutonium 239 even for one second. We all shall see.

That is the bare fact situation as of right now in August 2010. What happens next all depends on who has control of the Pu 239 from Iran's big reactor. US and Israeli spy satellites and ground assets will be trying to "catch" Iran stealing the old reactor core with its load of tons of Pu 239 to use for a thermonuclear weapon.

Everything else is just CIA front group fluff, fake media distraction, professional hair-do news readers on TV, and NYTIMES misinformation.

What do You think is going to happen next?
Keys to the Kingdom

Now, most importantly, stay Focused. Don't go off half cocked and start wildly firing. In two to 3 years we have a lethal, highly radioactive 50 Ton Plus old reactor core, that will kill exposed humans in 10 seconds, coming out of the cooker in Iran.

The hot reactor core will also catch fire if exposed to air and cremate your quite dead, radioactive body if you let it. What'cha gonna do? Explain your steps. Don't hold back.

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is necessary to make it clearer, I add a comment, which in this case was very
clear: I support decriminalizing all drugs, as it is stupid to throw depressed
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There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history, 
it is simply a succession of mistakes, intolerances and violations.

On the contrary, let us embrace Science and the new technologies
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