e-NASS CfA: 10th International NCCR Climate Summer School, "Climate Change, Extremes and Ecosystem Services" 4-9 September 2011, Grindelwald, Switzerland


10th International NCCR Climate Summer School, "Climate Change, Extremes and Ecosystem Services" 4-9 September 2011, Grindelwald, Switzerland

The NCCR Climate, Switzerland's centre of excellence in climate and

climate impact research, invites young scientists to join leading

climate researchers in a scenic Swiss Alpine setting for keynote

lectures, workshops and poster sessions on the occasion of the 10th

International NCCR Climate Summer School 2011.

The topics covered at the NCCR Climate Summer School 2011 will include:

* Ecological implications of climate change and weather extremes

* Ecosystem services and climate change: forests, grasslands and croplands

* Food security: coping with climate change in agriculture

* Global land and water use in a changing climate

The Summer School invites young researchers from all fields of climate

research. The courses cover a broad spectrum of climate and climate

impact research issues and foster cross-disciplinary links. Each topic

includes keynote plenary lectures and workshops with in-depth discussion

in smaller groups. All summer school participants present a poster of

their research and there will be ample opportunity for discussion.

Lecturers for keynotes and workshops (confirmed):

N. Buchmann (ETHZ, CH); H. Bugmann (ETHZ, CH); P. Calanca (ART Zurich,

CH); P. Ciais (LSCE Paris, F); U. Feller (U Bern, CH); R. Finger (ETHZ,

CH); J. Fuhrer (ART Zurich, CH); C. Körner (U Basel, CH); D. Lobell

(Carnegie Institution Stanford, USA); H. Lotze-Campen (PIK, GER); J.

Morgan (USDA/ARS Fort Collins, USA), M. Parry (Rothamsted, UK); S.

Seneviratne (ETHZ, CH); W. Tinner (U Bern, CH); M. Wüest (SwissRE, CH)

The Summer School is open to young researchers (PhD students and

Post-Docs) worldwide. Participation is highly competitive and will be

limited to a maximum of 70. The registration fee (1200 CHF) includes

half board accommodation, excursion and teaching material. A small

number of grants will be available for students from developing

countries (i.e. non-OECD countries).


Successful applicants will be notified in February 2011.

Detailed information and the application form are available at



University of Bern, NCCR Climate Management Centre,

Zähringerstrasse 25, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland


Telephone +41 31 631 31 45, Telefax +41 31 631 43 38

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Saleh Ahmed

Department of Economic and Social Analysis
'Sapienza' Università di Roma

Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome
00185 Italy.

Cell: + 00 39 3273395805

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