e-NASS ToC: CEU PSJ, vol. 5, no. 3


vol. 5, no. 3
September 2010

Guest Editor:
Balazs Vedres

Béla Janky & Károly Takács, Efficient and inefficient social control in
collective action

Jaira J. Harrington, Political blog influence reconsidered: A network analysis
of mainstream and alternative ethnic-racial American

political blogs

Baris Cayli, Social networks of the Italian mafia; the strong and weak parts

Elayne F. Fracaro, Social networks addressing group membership and identity
from the concept/ creative function of social imagination

Valentin Stoian, Historicism and its critics: the case of Karl Marx

Book reviews:
Yuliya Zabyelina: Review article of three books published in the Orange
Revolution series at ibidem verlag

Alexander Boniface Makulilo: Ximena de la Barra and Richard A. Dello Buono,
Latin America After Neoliberal Debacle: Another Region is possible

Monica Bucurenciu: Harald Baldersheim and Hellmut Wollman (eds.), The
Comparative Study of Local Government and Politics: Overview and Synthesis

Dinoj Kumar Upadhyay: Tim Unwin (ed.), ICT4D: Information and Communication
Technology for Development

Monika Dabrowska, Thad Dunning, Crude Democracy: Natural Resource Wealth and
Political Regimes

Nathan Andrews: Goran Hyden, African Politics in Comparative Perspective

Paula Ganga: Rachel Riedner and Kevin Mahoney, Democracies to Come, Rhetorical
Action, Neoliberalism, and Communities of Resistance

Sergiu Gherghina, Darren Lilleker and Richard Scullion (eds.), Voters or
Consumers. Imagining the Contemporary Electorate

Penny Pardoe, Susanne Jungerstam-Mulders (ed.), Post-Communist EU Member States:
Parties and Party System

Svetozar A. Dimitrov: Ingmar Bredies, Andreas Umland, Valentin Yakushik (eds.),
Aspects of the Orange Revolution IV: Foreign Assistance and Civic Action in the
2004 Ukrainian Presidential Elections

The Editorial Board
CEU Political Science Journal
Nador ut. 9, 1051 Budapest,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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