[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Killer whales sighted in North Sea


Published on Radio Netherlands Worldwide (http://www.rnw.nl)

Rare sighting of orcas in North Sea

By News Desk
Created 18 April 2011 15:09

Four orcas or killer whales have been sighted swimming near the border of Dutch and UK territorial waters in the North Sea.

Observers from the Dorsal Fin Foundation (Stichting Rugvin) - an organisation which carries out research into the cetacean population of the North Sea - spotted the group of orcas from a ferry sailing from the Hook of Holland to Harwich . Last week, some orcas were sighted near the French port of Calais. It is thought likely these were the same animals as they were swimming north.

A spokesperson from the Dorsal Fin Foundation says the killer whales appeared to be in good shape. Orcas are only rarely sighted in the North Sea. Last year, a young female orca was spotted in the Wadden Sea to the north of the Netherlands. It was in a very weak condition and is now being kept at the Dolfinarium in the Dutch town of Harderwijk.

The Dorsal Fin Foundation says it is too early to say whether the sightings of killer whales in the North Sea are more than merely incidental. "The cetacean population has changed. The number of porpoises has gone up while sightings of the white-beaked dolphin have become rare. Each month, the Dorsal Fin Foundation publishes a report on the cetacean population in the North Sea between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

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