We recently had submitted for analysis some capsules containing a white crystalline powder. A methanolic solution of the powder produced a mass spectrum with base peak of 110, and other prominent ions at 130, 145, 160, 174, 241, and 270 (mass ion). We have found no matches to anything in our MS libraries, nor anything in online databases. UV absorption in aqueous solution produced absorbance maxima at 275 in acid, 289 in base.
Does this MS sound familiar to anyone?
Thanks in advance.
Bob Parsons, F-ABC
Forensic Chemist
Indian River Crime Laboratory
Ft. Pierce, FL
"The forensic scientist's goal is the evenhanded use of all available information to determine the facts and, subsequently, the truth."
American Academy of Forensic Sciences web site, Choosing a Career page
"If the law has made you a witness, remain a man of science. You have no victim to avenge, no guilty or innocent person to convict or to save - you must bear testimony within the limits of science."
Dr. P.C.H. Brouardel, 19th Century French Medico-legalist
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