[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Indonesia denies using dolphins as tuna bait


Published on The Jakarta Post (http://www.thejakartapost.com)
RI fishermen do not use dolphin meat to catch tuna: Govt
The Jakarta Post | Wed, 05/18/2011 9:15 PM | Business

Indonesia has denied allegations that some of its longline vessels fishing for tuna used dolphin meat as bait.

"[Groups] have alleged that our longline vessels intentionally capture dolphins and use the meat for bait. But the pictures they used as evidence are of sharks, not dolphins," Maritime and Fisheries Ministry

fisheries resources director Agus Apun Budhiman said Wednesday in Jakarta.

"We have held a meeting with related associations and they said no such thing happens. Anyone who understands how to fish for tuna knows there is no way dolphins are captured to be used as bait for tuna," he said.

The allegations, Agus said, were made by the US-based Friends of the Sea and Earth Island Institute.

The groups had warned that US buyers would stop purchasing tuna from Indonesia if it failed to certify its tuna products as "Dolphin Safe", he said.

Agus also said that if the two organizations continued making such allegations, Indonesia would take the case to the annual meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).

— JP

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