UIC has a good rep. too. I know one of the instructors there, used to work with him, and he is first rate. They have a long history of good instructors. I know an instructor at John Jay who is also quite good. I know one at GWU too, but can't say the same about him; on the other hand their program is quit well thought of. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the four schools, based on the reputations I've heard.
I also know a number of people that have regretted getting their grad. degree in Forensic Sciences; you might want to consider going for a Maters in one of the Natural Sciences. It is just as saleable in a Forensic Lab setting and more saleable elsewhere, if you later find the field is not something you are suited to. I know several people that pulled the plug just 2 or 3 years in, when the things we deal with got to them. It is not uncommon for people to think it is what they want to do for the rest of their life, until they have to do it for a while. Most forensic labs don't care what your grad. degree is in, if it is a natural science or forensic science. They are interested in how articulate and how well versed in science you are. I noticed that several people on the list recently were grousing about how a "cop" get hired over "masters students." As someone having been on the examiner side of several oral exams, I can tell you that the real choice is who can articulate the science they know. A grad. degree gives you a big leg up, but only if you can show that your understand science and can articulate what you know. Someone with a B.S. that is articulate, and can demonstrate that they understand science will trump a PhD that can't.
Jim Roberts
Firearm and Toolmark Examiner
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Parsons
To: forensic-science@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 8:11 AM
Subject: [forensic-science] Re: Making decisions without much guidance :(
I'm not familiar with the BU and UIC forensic programs, but can tell you that the programs at GWU and John Jay are very well known and highly regarded. John Jay's is one of the oldest and most respected forensic science programs in the US, so have no concerns about that.
Bob Parsons, F-ABC
Forensic Chemist
Indian River Crime Laboratory
Ft. Pierce, FL
"The forensic scientist's goal is the evenhanded use of all available information to determine the facts and, subsequently, the truth."
American Academy of Forensic Sciences web site, Choosing a Career page
"If the law has made you a witness, remain a man of science. You have no victim to avenge, no guilty or innocent person to convict or to save - you must bear testimony within the limits of science."
Dr. P.C.H. Brouardel, 19th Century French Medico-legalist
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