[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Dead fish wash ashore at Naples Beach


Dead fish wash ashore at Naples Beach

Jul 23, 2011 6:49 PM EDT

Hundreds of dead fish were found washed up on the shores of Naples Beach on Saturday morning.

The fish kill is the second this week in Collier County.

The dead sea life was found washed ashore between Third Avenue South and Seventh Avenue South.

Naples Harbor Master Roger Jacobsen says it stops once you travel any further north or south and that it is similar to what was seen earlier in the week at Vanderbilt Beach.

Water samples there showed that a mixed algae bloom created low oxygen levels in the Gulf, causing those fish to die.

"It looks like an oxygen depletion, something that I am familiar with and this is something similar. If it will play out and it's up to the scientists when they are done, it's unknown," Jacobsen says.

Although there is a variety of marine life washing ashore, including starfish and crabs, Jacobsen assures that it's safe to go into the water.

Marine patrol is working to clear what sea life they can from the beach but some continues to was ashore.

NBC News

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