[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Dolphin deal reached in Solomon Islands


(ABC Radio Australia News)

Dolphin deal in Solomons

In some parts of Solomon Islands, dolphins are still being held in captivity and several groups are still planning live dolphin exports. [ABC]
Last Updated: 18 hours 20 minutes ago

An international environment group has signed a memorandum of understanding with elders from a Solomon Islands community to stop their traditional dolphin hunts.

In return, the Earth Island Institute has promised to fund development projects, such as housing, in the community of Bita'ama, which is on Malaita.

The organisation's associate director, Mark Berman, says he hopes the community can be encouraged to use sustainable fishing methods instead of hunting dolphins.

"Dolphins need to be preserved as a species and by having the communities work with us to save the dolphins this in the end will actually help save the ecosystem of the sea and that is one of the goals," he said.

"Also, [we want them] to have sustainable fishing practices as an alternative to these dolphin hunts where they can actually collect fish in a sustainable manner from the reefs."

In some parts of Solomon Islands, dolphins are still being held in captivity and several groups are still planning live dolphin exports.

The Earth Island Institute says holding the mammals in pens is now illegal as the government is no longer granting licenses for hunting or exporting dolphins.


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