A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: 4 Aug 2011
Source: Livingston Daily.com [edited]
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced Wednesday [3 Aug 2011] that samples taken from a June 2011 fish kill at Kent Lake at Kensington Metropark indicate the presence of koi herpesvirus. An estimated 300 to 500 common carp died at the lake within a span of a few days in late June 2011.
Koi herpesvirus had not been previously found in wild fish samples in Michigan, though it has been detected in a private koi pond near Grand Rapids in 2003. It does not pose any human health risk.
"This virus is capable of large-scale common carp die-offs, as seen in Ontario in 2007 and 2008," said Gary Whelan, DNR Fish Production Manager. "The virus is an internationally reportable disease, and it is being officially reported at this time."
Whelan said the koi herpesvirus affects common carp, goldfish, and koi. At this time, the impact of the virus on native minnow species, which are members of the carp family, is unknown. He said koi herpesvirus is found worldwide and likely was introduced to Michigan waters from the release or escape of infected ornamental fish.
Initially, DNR officials investigated the die-off as possibly related to a virus called spring viremia of carp, but laboratory analysis confirmed that that disease was not involved in the kill.
Huron-Clinton Metroparks Chief of Communications Denise Semion said the die-off continued for only a few days after dead carp were 1st reported by boaters at Kent Lake and a segment of the Huron River just east of the Brighton Township lake.
Semion said cleanup crews worked diligently to remove dead fish to reduce any risk posed by dead or decomposing fish, like _E. coli_ bacteria [or botulism - Mod.TG]. The lake, which is a few miles east of Brighton along the border of Livingston and Oakland counties, remained opened without further issues.
DNR officials said the die-off is a reminder to boaters and anglers to make sure they are mindful when they enter new waters.
"This disease outbreak is another example of why the DNR reminds anglers and boaters that they need to drain bilges and live wells upon leaving a boat launch," said Jim Dexter, acting chief of the DNR's Fisheries Division. "Anglers should clean their boats, disinfect their gear, and not move live fish to reduce the possibility of any fish diseases being transferred to new locations."
The public is reminded to contact the DNR when they see unusual fish kills at <http://www.michigan.gov/fishing>.
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ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[It seemed to take a long time to get results from the laboratory regarding the cause of this fish kill. I am glad this was not a larger or continuing outbreak, or one that had human consequences, with this lengthy turn around time from the laboratory.
In the few details provided by previous news accounts of this situation, it sounded more like koi herpes to me than spring viremia of carp. But laboratory confirmation is needed, and we are glad there is a diagnosis. - Mod.TG]
[see also:
Die-off, carp - USA (04): (MI) 20110722.2205 Die-off, carp - USA (03): (MI) 20110629.1976 Die-off, carp - USA (02): (MI) 20110625.1948 Die-off, carp - USA: (MI) 20110622.1907] .................................................sb/tg/msp/dk/ll
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