A ProMED-mail post
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Date: 20 Jul 2011
Source: Marine Health [edited]

Koi herpes virus / Koi herpesvirus disease, Spain
Submitted on 20 Jul 2011
Report Type: disease News
Host: Carp
Source: OIE
Tags: KHVkoi herpes viruskoi herpesvirus
Date: 20 Jul 2011
Andalucia, Spain
37o 30' 3.636" N, 4o 55' 58.2996" W

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ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[Spain's cited immediate notification, as well as the follow-up report No 1 on this issue, with map, are available at <http://web.oie.int/wahis/public.php?page=event_summary&reportid=10811>.

Koi herpesvirus [KHV] was 1st isolated in the United Kingdom in 2000 during a disease outbreak in northern England. Outbreaks of clinical disease with signs similar to KHV disease had been reported in 1998 and 1999. Later, KHV DNA was detected in tissue samples taken in 1996 during an unexplained mass mortality of koi and common carp in the UK; see "KHV in the UK," page 32, in "Trout News," No 38, July 2004, available at <http://www.cefas.co.uk/publications/troutnews/tnews38.pdf>.

The disease has been found to be spread to many countries worldwide, predominantly through the trade in koi carp, before the current knowledge of the disease and means to detect it were available. It is now known to occur in, or has been recorded in fish imported into, at least 23 different countries. In Europe, this includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. In Asia, China (Hong Kong), Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Japan, Korea (Rep. of), Malaysia, Singapore (in fish imported from Malaysia), and Thailand (in fish imported into Germany). Elsewhere, South Africa, Canada, and the United States have reported occurrence of KHVD. It is likely that the virus is present in many more countries but has not yet been identified or reported.

Most of the above information on the geographical distribution of KHV is included in chapter 2.3.6 of OIE's Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals 2011, accessible at <http://www.oie.int/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_standards/aahm/2010/2.3.06_KHVD.pdf>.
Subscribers are referred to the said excellent source for additional, comprehensive information on KHVD. - Mod.AS]

[see also:
Die-off, carp - USA (05): (MI): koi herpes virus 20110807.2386 2010
Koi herpesvirus disease - UK: (England) 20100828.3069
Koi herpesvirus, carp - USA: (AZ) 20090703.2395 Koi herpesvirus disease - USA (AZ) 20090613.2186
Koi herpesvirus disease - UK (02): (England) 20080926.3044 Koi herpevirus, carp - Canada: (ON), 2007 20080509.1584
Koi herpesvirus disease - UK 20070817.2688
Koi herpesvirus - USA (TX) 20060707.1867
Koi herpesvirus - Singapore: OIE 20050927.2847
Koi herpesvirus, carp & gurami - Indonesia (Sumatra) 20041109.3023 Koi herpesvirus - United Kingdom 20040116.0177 Koi herpesvirus - Japan (Ibaraki) 20040104.0025
Koi herpesvirus - worldwide: etiology 20030929.2450
Koi herpesvirus, carp - Indonesia: suspected, OIE 20020630.4639] .................................................arn/msp/sh/ll
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