[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Taiji's cove claims another pod of dolphins


(Suite 101)

Taiji's Cove Claims Another Pod of Dolphins and a Calf

Oct 23, 2011Elizabeth Batt

A Risso's dolphin in captivity in Japan. Most Risso's caught in Taiji are slaughtered - OpenCage
Sources have reported that another pod of Risso's dolphins were driven into Taiji's cove and slaughtered, including a mother and calf.
Oct. 22 2011. A pod of approximately 10-12 Risso's dolphins driven into the cove, barely had time to catch their breath sources say, before each one of them was slaughtered. Two of the dolphins killed was a mother and her calf.

From cove to death in less than one hour
Cove Monitors from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS), reported that twelve of Taiji's dolphin drive boats left the harbor in Japan around 3:30 PM Saturday afternoon. Three hours later, monitors spotted the boats returning, driving a pod of dolphins ahead of them. It took the drive boats another three hours to press the dolphins into the cove. Less than an hour after being driven through the harbor entrance and cordoned off by nets, the entire pod was dead, including the calf.

The act earned a scathing response from Sea Shepherd Captain, Paul Watson. Posting on Facebook this morning, Watson said, "For those who say it's a part of their culture I can only say @@@@ their sadistic culture. Any culture that advocates cruelty and slaughter is a culture that needs to be tossed into the dustbin of history. To kill a dolphin is a crime against nature and humanity, against decency and justice, there can be no excuse for it – ever!"

Read more at Suite101: Taiji's Cove Claims Another Pod of Dolphins and a Calf | Suite101.com http://www.suite101.com/news/taijis-cove-claims-another-pod-of-dolphins-and-a-calf-a394255#ixzz1beVNqcWN

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