A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

Date: 12 Oct 2011
Source: Masrawy.com (In Arabic, transl. Corr SB; edited) <http://www.masrawy.com/News/Cases/General/2011/october/12/POISON.aspx>

Family members are poisoned after eating a meal of toxic fish
A total of 5 members of one family from Suez have (been diagnosed
with) acute food poisoning, from eating a meal of a toxic fish which is banned from hunting or eating. These fish are highly toxic and kill within hours unless the antidote is given in a timely manner.

Major General Adel Rifaat, Security Director of Suez had received a communication from the Suez General Hospital stating the arrival of 5 members of one family, who showed symptoms of acute poisoning as a result of eating a meal of fish.

On a related matter, there are currently warnings in the governorates of Suez and the Red Sea to refrain from eating the [Alakrbeh] fish.
The General Union of Fishermen has said to refrain from fishing of many species of poisonous fish in the waters of the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez and the Lakes region, which cause poisonings. This fish is also known as "sea-chicken" or "sea cat."

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail from HealthMap alerts

[This fish is in the same family as the rock fish, the lion fish and the scorpion fish. These fish are very toxic and while similar to the Alakrbeh fish, the Alakrbeh fish is extremely toxic. Natives to the area never eat the fish. Therefore, the fish became mixed up with others in some type of stew or mixed dish, or these folks were not native to the area. - Mod.TG]

[ProMED-mail would greatly appreciate more information on the toxin associated with the Alakrbeh fish. Extensive internet searching in English and Arabic (using machine translation) did not identify the toxin. It should be noted that the rock fish, the lion fish and the scorpion fish are all fish that have toxins in spiney protrusions and human intoxication occurs when there is physical contact with these poisonous spines. From the above description, it appears as though this fish may have toxin in the actual flesh or in organs if the individuals were poisoned through eating fish cooked in a stew.
Clarification and identification of the actual toxin would be greatly appreciated. - Mod.MPP]

[The interactive HealthMap/ProMED map for the Suez Governorate in Egypt is available at: <http://healthmap.org/r/1kJp> - CopyEd.EJP]

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