[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] women participation in mangrove insitu conservation: awareness prog. on 9th Octo.2011


Dear Friends of mangroves,

Thank you for all of your feedback for the our last update on mangrove food chain education programme.

Here I update to your kind attention about our Mangrove Conservation Awareness Programme for Fisher women.  Here awareness is through action in field.

It is important to include fisher women who are the mothers and sisters of the students who attended our mangrove food chain programme last week. So, the both student  and women programmes are linked as both of programme included persons mostly from the same families.  I am wondering how a student and his mother or sister (both attended our mangrove awareness programmes) will talk about what they learned from us.

Please click the below link to see the women mangrove plantation programme.


1.  We did plant only 80 seedlings in a selected micro site, which is suitable for seedlings (safe from cattles), as it is designed to involve fisher women to create awareness on the importance of mangroves.
2.  The site showed some mangrove seedlings that already (naturally) found in the plantation site, as a good sign for planting (you can see in the photo).
3.  The seedlings are planted along the water edge.
4.  The creek will supply water throughout the year, and will help for seed dispersal in future.
5.  The seedlings will have a suitable climate, as we are at the start of monsoon.  
6.  The mangroves in the micro (plantation) site showed that the mangroves are started to colonize on creek side recently, which is actually the outside of a shrimp farm pond.
7.  The planted seedlings are now under the monitoring of omcar foundation.
8.  Let us see what will happen in three months, six months and after one year :)

yours sincerely

Dr. V.BALAJI., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
69, Vendakottai Road, 
Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India - 614601
Mobile: 9360548117
Ph: 0091 4373 236117

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