[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Looking for a Solution to an ongoing Major Problem


I have just about had it with Yahoo Groups.  If some of you might have noticed especially our Group Moderators, the Membership Numbers have been steadly declining for the past week with no reason.

I have contacted both Yahoo Groups and Yahoo direct regarding this problem and todate, I get nothing back from them except basic responses.  They tell me that there is no problem yet, the membership numbers for "Marine Biology International" continue to decline each day.

No one has been removed from membership or left the group, etc. from our end and still we continue to lose members.

I am about ready to DELETE our group because of all this Yahell Junk!  Would any one have some alternative possible venues, sites, etc. that "Marine Biology International" could transfer to or bottom line, start over with a fresh new start?

I am open for any and all suggestions that the "M.B.I." membership might have.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcomed and should be sent directly to my attention at:  grm.phd@gmail.com

Like I mentioned, nothing has been done regarding "Marine Biology International" but as you can tell, I am not a happy camper with Yahell or Yehell Groups right now and am open to any new ideas to keep our unique group going.

Will look forward to hearing from everyone with their views.


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