A ProMED-mail post
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International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: Mon 23 Apr 2012
Source: Cleveland.com, The Plain Dealer report [edited] <http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2012/04/thousands_of_fish_die_in_rocky.html>
Tens of thousands of fish of all sizes and species have died in the East Branch of the Rocky River in the Cleveland Metroparks since Sunday [22 Apr 2012] afternoon, bringing crews from several state agencies to investigate for toxic pollutants, test river waters, and document the range of the fish kill.
The dead and dying fish were first reported on Sunday afternoon by a fisherman, who called 1-800-POACHER, a Division of Wildlife hot line.
Wildlife officials contacted the Cleveland Metroparks, who brought in the Ohio EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
The dead fish have sunk to the bottom of the river, said Division of Wildlife officer Randy White, making it difficult to assess the extent of the fish kill.
"The range of the fish kill was unbelievable, affecting all types of fish," said aquatic biologist Mike Durkalec of the Cleveland Metroparks, who surveyed the affected areas Rocky River to see if any species of fish survived. Durkalec's list included bass, darters, a wide variety of minnows, rainbow trout, and white suckers.
"We still have no idea what caused it," said Durkalec. "We're checking out every possibility."
The park agency has been stocking large numbers of rainbow trout in the stretch of the river, but canceled a trout stocking scheduled for today [23 Apr 2012]. It will divert the 650 pounds [about 295kg] of rainbow trout to Wallace Lake.
The fish kill began in an area near the Cleveland Metroparks toboggan run in the Mill Stream Run Reservation. Fish were soon dying in a 3-mile [5 km] stretch of river between the Bonnie Park Area and Wallace Lake in Berea. Ohio EPA officials reportedly found a few dead steelhead trout where the East Branch joins the Rocky River. The Rocky River is a noted steelhead trout stream, with the lake-run steelhead providing excellent fishing during the cold-weather months.
Stockings of yearling steelhead trout are scheduled to be released in the lower Rocky River in the coming weeks.
[byline: D'Arcy Egan]
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ProMED-mail from HealthMap alerts
[There is not much information here. However, it does seem likely it is a chemical or toxin of some kind as it mentions all species of fish. However, the photos on the news site show only small fingerling type of fish. We look forward to receiving more information about this situation. - Mod.TG
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[see also:
Undiagnosed disease, fish - USA (AL) sea lice susp 20120219.1046415
Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (03): (AR) gas bubble trauma susp.
Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (02): (NH) 20110710.2088 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (02): (GA) columnaris 20110528.1641 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (GA) 20110526.1599 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (05): (OH, Lake Erie) walleye
Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (04): (WI) crappie 20110508.1421 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (CA): domoic acid susp. 20110313.0814 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (03): (AR), RFI 20110107.0085 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (02): (MD) 20110106.0058 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA: (AR), freshwater drum 20110104.0035 2010
Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA (16): (NE, NY) 20100828.3068 Undiagnosed die off, fish - USA: (MS) 20100807.2694 Undiagnosed die-off, fish - USA: (CA) 20100805.2640 and others in the archives] ....................................sb/tg/mj/sh/ll
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