[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Sanibel plans campaign to end water contamination


Sanibel plans campaign to end water contamination

May 01, 2012 11:20 PM EDT


On Tuesday, Sanibel City Council gave vice-mayor Mick Denham the go-ahead to create plans for a two year campaign to end contamination.

"We want to help citizens understand just how important water quality is in their area and how the citizens can impact water quality by actions they take," Denham says.

The campaign will also give local governments, rather than the state, the ability to control what goes into their water.

"This is our lifeblood water is the whole life blood of this entire area and it needs to be taken care of," says resident Larkin Hammond.

Fertilizers and septic waste contaminating the water kills the sea grass that manatees feed on and make it harder to find blue crabs and other marine life.

"It drastically and perhaps permanently changes the environment not to be as sustainable as it used to be," Dr. Neill says.

If scientists and leaders' messages reach people's emotions, Dr. Neill says they might just get behind the cause.

Vice-mayor Mick Denham says he wants to get moving on the campaign right away and hopes to have other local governments on board by August.

NBC News

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