Fauna Palaestina - Part Two (ISBN 978-9948-16-667-2).
The Book: Fauna Palaestina - Part Two. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 - 2009
Das Buch: Fauna Palaestina - Teil Zwei. Zoologische Studien in Palästina zwischen 1983 - 2009
By: Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa
ISBN 978-9948-16-667-2
Erschienen: 1. Auflage / First Edition : July 2012, Shaaban 1433 H
Publisher: Al Jundi Publishing House, Jerusalem, Palestine
Website of the Book: Fauna Palaestina - Part Two. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 2009 (ISBN 978-9948-16-667-2): http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart2.htm
Literaturangaben. - Parallelsacht. in arab. Schr. - Text teilw. engl., teilw. arab. - Teilw. in arab. Schr.
Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa, July 2012, Shaaban 1433 H, ISBN 978-9948-16-667-2, Paperback Softcover. 1. Auflage / First Edition: 208 Seiten / Pages (Arabic Part 120 Pages and the English Part 88 Pages). zahlr. schwarz-weiß Abbildungen (Numerous black and white photography). Format: 23.5 x 16,5 cm, Gewicht (Weight): 345 gram. Preis: 30,00 Euro.
Publisher: Al Jundi Publishing House, Jerusalem, Palestine. Tel. 00972-542263454. www.aljundi.biz, info@aljundi.biz
Website of the Book: Fauna Palaestina - Part Two. Zoological Studies in Palestine between 1983 2009 (ISBN 978-9948-16-667-2): http://dr-norman-ali-khalaf-books.webs.com/faunapalaestinapart2.htm
E-mail of the Author: jaffacity@yahoo.de
English / German Cover: The State of Palestine Stamp with the Palestine Sunbird. Designed by the Palestinian Artist Khaled Jarrar
Arabic Cover: A Collection of Palestinian Postage Stamps and Coins and the Jaffa Coin Medal.
Cover Design / Umschlaggestaltung: Ola Mostafa Khalaf. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Printed and bound in Jerusalem, Palestine.
Packed into Palestine's small area are snow-covered mountains, parched deserts, fertile fields, lush woodlands and long stretches of sand dunes. No less than four different geographical zones are included in Palestine, and the country's climate ranges from semi-arid to temperate to subtropical.
All of this makes Palestine home to a stunning variety of plants and animals. Some 47,000 living species have been identified in Palestine, with another 4,000 assumed to exist. There are 116 species of mammals native to Palestine, 511 kinds of birds, 97 types of reptiles and nine types of amphibians. Some 2,780 types of plants grow countrywide, from Alpine flowers on northern mountain slopes to bright red coral peonies and desert papyrus reeds in the south.
My first published scientific article goes back to January 1980, when I was still a student in the Zoology Department at Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. The article was about "The Colouration of Animals".
I was especially interested in the Arabian Wildlife, and in particular, in my Homeland Palestine. My first zoological article about the Palestinian Fauna dates back to February 1983. The article was entitled "The Badger in Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula". It was published in the Palestinian "Al Khalisah" Bulletin, Kuwait University.
Since that time, I had published many scientific articles in different scientific books, magazines and bulletins, and established my own Palestinian Biological Bulletin. In July 1983, "Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin" was created. It was the First Palestinian Scientific Journal Worldwide (ISSN 0178 6288).
My first zoological article in "Gazelle" was about "Order Lagomorpha in Palestine". Till now 98 "Gazelle" Issues were published; and many of my articles were about Palestinian Animals.
Finally, and after more than 33 years in Zoological research and studies, in Palestine and many Arabic and European countries, and after publishing many scientific articles in different scientific books, magazines and bulletins, especially the "Gazelle Bulletin", and after publishing many articles in the Gazelle Bulletin Web Site, since 2001 under (www.gazelle.8m.net), and after publishing most of my articles on the internet under (www.webs.com), and after publishing my first book (Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin) in July 2004, and my second book (Aquatica Arabica) in August 2005, and my third book (Mammalia Arabica) in July 2006, and my fourth book (Felidae Arabica) in July 2007, and my fifth book (Carnivora Arabica) in September 2008, and my sixth book (Fauna Palaestina Part One) in September 2009, and my seventh book (Fauna Emiratus Part One) in November 2010; I finally decided to publish my newest scientific book in the Holy City of Jerusalem, Palestine, containing selected "Palestinian" research and articles which were published between 1983 - 2009.
It is hard to be optimistic about the future of Wildlife in Palestine. But recent years have shown the development of official and public interest, and efforts to conserve the Palestinian Fauna. Palestinian animals lived with humans for thousands of years. There are a lot of stories concerning Prophets with Palestinian animals, which were mentioned in the Holy Quran, Bible and Torah.
I hope that I can participate with my new book to our knowledge about "Fauna Palaestina", and to help and to be part in protecting the endangered Palestinian and Arabian Fauna.
Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf-von Jaffa.
Jerusalem, Palestine. 05th July 2012 (My 50th Birthday).
About the Author: A Palestinian-German Zoologist:
Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa is a Palestinian-German Zoologist, Ecologist and Geologist. Born in Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany in 1962. Finished School in Kuwait. Studied Zoology, Geology and Ecology for the Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees at the Universities of Kuwait, Durham (England) and Ashwood (USA). Specialised in Animal Behaviour and Ecology. Done a lot of work and research in the Universities of Kuwait, Durham and Saarbrücken; and in the Zoos, Wild Parks and Field Studies in Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, England, Scotland, Jersey Island, France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany.
He is the author and publisher of "Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin" (ISSN 0178-6288), the first Palestinian scientific journal worldwide (since 1983); and the author of eight books: Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (2004), Aquatica Arabica (2005), Mammalia Arabica (2006), Felidae Arabica (2007), Carnivora Arabica (2008), Fauna Palaestina Part One (2009), Fauna Emiratus Part One (2010), Fauna Palaestina Part Two (2012), and the co-author of the book "Palestine: A Guide" (2005/2006).
He discovered and scientifically named five new animal subspecies. Two Palestinian mammal subspecies from the Gaza Strip: The Gaza or Palestine House Mouse (Mus musculus gazaensis Khalaf, 2007) and the Palestine Golden Jackal (Canis aureus palaestina Khalaf, 2008); and two Emirati freshwater fish subspecies: The Emirati or Wadi Al Wurayah Blind Cave Fish (Garra barreimiae wurayahi Khalaf, 2009) and the Emirati or Bassam Khalaf's Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus bassamkhalafi Khalaf, 2009) from the Emirate of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates; and the Arabian or Emirati Four-Tusked Elephant Fossil ( Stegotetrabelodon syrticus emiratus Khalaf, 2010) from the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
He is working now as a free scientific researcher and publisher in the United Arab Emirates. He is married to Ola Khalaf and has one daughter, Nora (13 Years).
Contents of the Book:
English Articles:
1. Preface
2. The Nile Crocodile in Palestine
3. Extinct and Endangered Animals in Palestine
4. Threatened Mammals in Palestine
5. Flora and Fauna in Palestine
6. Whale Sharks in Palestinian Waters: A Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus, Smith 1828) rescued near the Tantura Beach, Carmel Coast, North Palestine: The First Record from the Palestinian Mediterranean Coast
7. Whale Sharks in Palestinian Waters: Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus, Smith 1828) near Um Al-Rashrash (Eilat) Beach, Gulf of Aqaba, South Palestine: First Records from the Palestinian Red Sea Coast
8. The Jaffa Amphipod (Ampelisca jaffaensis, Bellan-Santini & Kaim-Malka, 1977) from Jaffa, Palestine
9. The Common Weasel (Mustela nivalis, Linnaeus 1766) in Palestine and the East Mediterranean Region
10. Ornithomimid Dinosaur Tracks from Beit Zeit, West of Jerusalem, Palestine
Arabic Articles:
11. An Introduction to the Animal Life in Palestine
12. The Badger in Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula
13. The Leopards in Palestine
14. The Fishes of Palestine
15. The Rafah Zoo in the Rafah Refugee Camp, Gaza Strip, Palestine : A Story of Destruction by the Israeli Occupation Army
16. The Qalqilia Zoo and the Natural History Museum in the City of Qalqilia, West Bank, Occupied Palestine
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