A search for crocodile hunters in Florida
Aug 16, 2012 7:48 AM EDT
MIAMI (FOX 13) -
It's a dangerous job, but someone has to do it.
About 150 people have already sent in applications to be crocodile hunters in the Florida Keys. Thanks to a lack of crocodile hunters, the reptiles are now showing up in south Miami neighborhoods.
More often, they're found down near the Florida Keys, concerning state officials and residents.
"We need to have a little bit of separation," said Captain John Houpt, who is one of 150 people who've applied to be Florida Crocodile Response Agents. "They're fun to look at, but once they get too comfortable with humans they view them as a source of food."
Or a dog like Roxie, a 65-pounder who was on a canal's edge when a croc leapt out and pulled it in. The dog drowned, but the croc got away.
The agents would help track down these crocodiles. It's an unusual and risky job, but Frank Resillez said he wants it.
"Start by the tail, you pull him backward, destabilize his footing, get on his neck, and climb," he said demonstrating how to catch a croc.
The job pays $25 an hour. No experience is necessary, and state officials say they'll train you. The job is on an as-needed basis.
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