A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <>
Date: Wed 8 Aug 2012
Source: CDC, Salmonella homepage [edited] <>
A total of 168 people infected with outbreak strains of _Salmonella [enterica_ serotype] Sandiego, _S._ Pomona, and _S._ Poona have been reported from 30 states.
The number of ill people identified in each state is as follows:
Alabama (2), Alaska (2), Arizona (5), California (28), Colorado (5), Delaware (3), Georgia (3), Illinois (3), Indiana (1), Kentucky (1), Louisiana (1), Maryland (6), Massachusetts (5), Michigan (2), Minnesota (1), Mississippi (1), New Jersey (7), North Carolina (1), New Mexico (6), Nevada (8), New York (25), Ohio (2), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (16), South Carolina (4), Tennessee (4), Texas (19), Vermont (1), Virginia (4), and West Virginia (1).
34 people have been hospitalized, and no deaths have been reported. 64 per cent of those ill are children 10 years of age or younger, and 27 per cent of those ill are children 1 year of age or younger.
56 per cent of ill people are of Hispanic ethnicity. Information about the association between reptiles and _Salmonella_ is now available in Spanish (<>).
Results of the epidemiologic and environmental investigations indicate exposure to turtles or their environments (such as water from a turtle
habitat) is the cause of these outbreaks. 72 per cent of ill people reported exposure to turtles prior to their illness. 94 per cent of those ill who reported turtle exposure specifically reported exposure to small turtles (shell length less than 4 inches [10 cm]). 39 per cent of ill people with small turtles reported purchasing the turtles from street vendors, and 15 per cent reported purchasing small turtles from pet stores.
Small turtles are a well-known source of human salmonellosis, especially among young children. Because of this risk, the FDA has banned the sale and distribution of these turtles as pets since 1975.
Turtles with a shell length of less than 4 inches [10 cm] in size should not be purchased as pets or given as gifts.
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[More details of the 6 separate and ongoing outbreaks of small turtle-associated salmonellosis can be found at the source URL above.
- Mod.LL
A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at:
[see also:
Salmonellosis, serotype Hadar - USA: live poultry contact
Salmonellosis, multiple serotypes - USA (03): pet turtle, strains 20120702.1186450 Salmonellosis, serotype Montevideo - USA: live poultry contact
Salmonellosis, multiple serotypes - USA (02): chick, duckling exposure
Salmonellosis, serotype I 4,5,12,i- - USA: feeder rodents
Salmonellosis, multiple serotypes - USA: pet turtles 20120331.1086557 Salmonellosis, serotype Paratyphi B - USA: (PA, SC) pet turtles 2011
Salmonellosis, serotype Enteritidis - USA: restaurant chain 20120123.1017853]
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