[MARINE_BIOLOGY_INTERNATIONAL] Jet ski rider who harassed dolphins faces probe


(Herald Sun, Australia)
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Power skier could face dolphin probe

Kelly Ryan From: Herald Sun December 16, 2010 12:00AM

Too close: the power skier turns near the dolphins in ther bay near Mornington on Tuesday. Picture: Alex Coppel Source: HWT Image Library

A POWER skier could be investigated for allegedly riding near a pod of parent and baby dolphins in Port Phillip Bay.

Wildlife officers will examine photos of the incident shot by a Herald Sun photographer while taking pictures of the animals at play on Tuesday.

Victoria's leading dolphin expert has slammed the rider's behaviour as potentially dangerous to the dolphins, including three and four-month-old calves.

"It is exactly about the worst-case scenario for dolphins ... enjoying their social relationships," said Dolphin Research Institute executive director Jeff Weir.

"It would be like having someone on a dirt bike ride through your back yard while you were out there nursing a baby."

Mr Weir was on an institute boat with a Herald Sun team when the male power skier sped past. Seeing the dolphins, the rider twice veered back to have a closer look.

"The fact the animals are still on the surface of the water when he got that close is indicative of how fast he was going," Mr Weir said. The animals then dived down.

With a dolphin baby boom in the bay, Mr Weir said he hoped people would respect the protected animals.

"It would be wrong to brand all jet skiers irresponsible because the vast majority keep their distance and admire the animals from the prescribed distances."

Boats must remain 100m clear of dolphins and whales while people on personal watercraft, such as power skis, must not get within 300m.

A two-year-old calf born to bottlenose dolphin Ripley was fatally struck by a boat in 2001, the boat's propeller smashing its spine.

"Ripley spent more than 24 hours in vain trying to hold the baby up and I must say there were tears all round that terrible day," Mr Weir said.

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