Dear all,
The team at Planet Whale are delighted to announce the publication of 'A Global Directory of Cetacean Conservation Organisations'. This report can be viewed and downloaded at:
The report is, we believe, the first of its kind to summarise the status of the world's non-profit Cetacean Conservation Organisations (CCO's). Planet Whale has produced this report as a free downloadable resource for everybody to use, so please load it on your own website, or link to it from your social network or blog, so that your colleagues and members can read the report online.
Packed with fascinating information and stunning images, this report includes an overview of nearly 100 CCO's worldwide and an easy-to-use directory of 95 CCO's in 32 different countries. In addition, the report contains a summary of how Planet Whale plans to enhance CCO's visibility amongst the general public, (pages 18-20).
Planet Whale hopes to produce future yearly reports. Any CCO's wanting to be included in future reports can let us know by emailing us at . Additionally, any CCO's wanting to join the Planet Whale website can freely do so by going to and signing up as a non-profit organisation.
Warm regards,
The Planet Whale Team
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