RE: [forensic-science] Making decisions without much guidance :(


I am from the UK , and have no connection with any of those institutions, but I have worked cases as a forensic investigator pretty well all over the world. John Jay has by far the highest profile in other countries and is very well respected indeed. I would guess that most employers whether in the US or elsewhere would regard it as a prestigious Institution, and one which produces graduates and researchers which are very well regarded.

Go for it!

From: [] On Behalf Of Kate Meakim
Sent: 04 May 2011 16:20
Subject: Re: [forensic-science] Making decisions without much guidance :(

I went to GW, great program. John Jay is very well respected.

--- On Wed, 5/4/11, arinchoi < <> > wrote:

From: arinchoi < <> >
Subject: [forensic-science] Making decisions without much guidance :(
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2011, 5:08 AM

I have been searching for a group of people who are experience in the field of forensic science and who could offer me advise.
So far I have received four offers from graduate programs:

1. University of Illinois at Chicago
2. George Washington University
3. Boston University
4. John Jay College

However, I am unsure which program to choose. As you can see, these cities are all large cities with potential for enjoying the culture, so I'm satisfied in that department.

I really wanted to attend Boston University, but finding out that they didn't have an internship opportunity for their students, which GWU and UIC both offer. Should this internship opportunity weigh in heavily on my decision? Also, BU is EXPENSIVE. But I would love to live in Boston....
Also, I wasn't sure if John Jay College is prestigious enough to make an impression on the employers or not, but from reading this forum, I am convinced it is a very good program.

If you have graduated from any of these universities or have affiliations with these organizations, I would like to hear what the pros and cons of the programs are.

Thank you for your time!

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